LangXpert® WFH Brochure

GlobalDoc® brings together teams—wherever they are. The world we live in is changing. Teams are spread out and communication is in high demand. Now, more than ever, we need to stay connected. It’s what GlobalDoc has been doing for decades. Our team delivers regionally-specific translation solutions to our partners. We use our deep network of […]

GlobalDoc Celebrates 25 Years of Success

ATLANTA, October 8, 2018 – GlobalDoc, Inc. is very proud to announce that the company will be celebrating 25 years of successful business operations on October 15, 2018.  In 1993, when the company was founded by Mike Cooper and Jeffrey Hoffmann, neither knew what might lie ahead.  With little funding, a couple of computers, a dial-up modem, fax machine and only the “Yellow Pages” as a resource for soliciting business, the two set out on what can be described in hindsight today as the realization of a true “American Dream” success story.


In 2003, after assisting to establish GlobalDoc, Jeffrey left the company to pursue other career ambitions.  Mike purchased Jeffrey’s shares and continues to drive the business forward today.  New opportunities, while sometimes difficult to obtain with substantial risks involved, were realized.  GlobalDoc opened operations in India in 2007, quickly gaining access to technical resources to begin programming the company’s proprietary software application LangXpert®.  Upon release in 2009, LangXpert propelled the company forward, transforming GlobalDoc from a business services provider to a technology-based software development organization within the language services industry.


As the company celebrates 25 years and continues the journey ahead, Mike Cooper would like to sincerely thank the countless numbers of people and companies who have provided inspiration and opportunities for GlobalDoc – advisors, business partners, clients, employees, friends and vendors have all contributed in intangible and tangible ways to the company’s success.  GlobalDoc’s promise in 2018 is to continue providing the highest levels of quality, service and technology possible to earn the business and trust of those the company is privileged to serve.


ABOUT GLOBALDOC — GlobalDoc is a premier provider of translation, localization, and LangXpert® software development services for multinational companies worldwide. With operations in the United States, United Kingdom, and India, and a network of global translation partners, our 25 years working within the translation industry allows GlobalDoc to help clients succeed in the global business environment.

2018 Statement on GDPR Compliance

GlobalDoc, Inc., our subsidiaries and our sub-processors (American Express and Microsoft) act as a “data collector” in compliance and pursuant to the provisions of the EU Data Protection Directive (GDPR) 95/46 when providing services to our clients. GlobalDoc does not collect data considered relevant to GDPR within our operations, including within GlobalDoc’s LangXpert® software applications.

In addition, there are limits to GDPR directives applicable to GlobalDoc. Our operations, along with the operations of our sub-processers are fully compliant with the relevant EU data protection requirements regarding the processing of personal data within the context of GlobalDoc’s operations and services. This position is unchanged by the EU General Data Protection Regulation, which does not place any additional obligations on GlobalDoc to disclose details of its data protection compliance in relationships where it acts as a data controller.

Data protection and information security are long-standing priorities for GlobalDoc. Long before GDPR was enacted, we purposely decided to not collect, process or sell personal data involved in the provision of translation and software development services.  Maintaining the confidentiality and protecting the privacy of our client’s information has always been a core element of GlobalDoc’s operations.  We do not profit from selling any customer data to advertisers or any third parties.

To meet its obligations under the EU GDPR and in recognition of the protection of personal data in general, GlobalDoc is committed to ensuring programs are always in place to meet any GDPR and other requirements that will enter into force now and in the future.

LangXpert Integration with Drupal TMGMT

ATLANTA/ZURICH – GlobalDoc announces a software development engagement with Zurich-based MD Systems to provide Drupal Translation Management Tool (TMGMT) content support within LangXpert®. LangXpert®, GlobalDoc’s enterprise translation management software supports client-specific content management and translation delivery systems. Drupal TMGMT will add content management for client’s web centric content in multiple languages by further automation of the translation process in any language.

MD Systems will support GlobalDoc’s Open Source development strategies involving Drupal TMGMT. MD Systems is a leading Drupal innovator. With a unique team of international Open Source minds, they are responsible for the architecture of some of the most important modules in the Drupal ecosystem and a variety of Drupal projects. Their experts form alliances with service providers to sustainably advance multiple Open Source initiatives like Drupal TMGMT and help large scale projects to successfully adopt the solutions.

Mike Cooper, Founder/President at GlobalDoc says, “GlobalDoc is very pleased to welcome MD Systems as a core provider of high quality, Drupal development services to further enhance LangXpert® functionality. We look forward to this and other API enhancements in support of client-specific content and translation initiatives to automate processes and procedures”.

GlobalDoc Promotes David Jett to Vice President – International Operations

ATLANTA, OCTOBER 17, 2016 – Today, Mike Cooper, CEO/President of GlobalDoc, Inc. announced the following:

“October 19, 2016 marks David Jett’s 18th year of employment at GlobalDoc. David joined the company in the summer of 1998 as a temporary, contract Desktop Publisher. He was assigned the basic task of cutting and pasting foreign language text into Quark files. A lot has changed since then. David has been an integral part of GlobalDoc’s changes and successes, including contributing to the development and launch of LangXpert®.

David was offered a permanent position starting on October 19, 1998 as Project Coordinator. In March 1999, he was promoted to Project Manager and assigned to Lanier Worldwide. As David’s experience grew, he was assigned project management responsibilities for additional, multiple clients. In the years since, David increased his responsibilities in the positions of Sr. Project Manager and Managing Director. He is now responsible for managing GlobalDoc’s employees, clients, and translators worldwide.

It is with great pleasure and pride that I announce David’s promotion to Vice President – International Operations at GlobalDoc, Inc. I am especially proud of this announcement as David truly “worked his way up” within the company over many years. Please join me in congratulating him on this significant career milestone.”

“GlobalDoc Cares” Supports Literacy Initiative

ATLANTA, April 1, 2016 – GlobalDoc, Inc. is proud to announce 2016 Corporate Sponsorship of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library literacy program for the fifth straight year. Mike Cooper, President of GlobalDoc says, “The Imagination Library is a natural fit for the “GlobalDoc Cares” program. Supporting efforts to make reading possible for children corresponds with GlobalDoc’s efforts to provide high quality language services across the globe. Being able to assist various important charitable causes through “GlobalDoc Cares” is truly one of the most rewarding aspects of being in business for so many years.”

In 1995, Dolly Parton launched an exciting new effort, Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, to benefit the children of her home county in East Tennessee, USA. Dolly’s vision was to foster a love of reading among her county’s preschool children and their families by providing them with the gift of a specially selected book each month. The program has grown across the United States and Canada, and has expanded globally to include Australia and the United Kingdom. Starting by providing just a few thousand books initially, the program has now gifted over 73.9 million books. In 2015 alone, the Imagination Library delivered 10,233,532 books – the first year the number of books exceeded 10 million in a single year, an 11.8% increase over the prior year.

David Dotson, President of Imagination Library says, “We are honored that GlobalDoc shares our commitment to inspire all children to dream more, learn more, care more and be more. The Imagination Library, with worldwide support from partners like GlobalDoc, helps make it possible for many children to have access to carefully selected, high quality reading materials every month, regardless of the family’s income.”

To learn more about the Imagination Library program, visit For more information about the GlobalDoc Cares program,

ABOUT GLOBALDOC – GlobalDoc is the premier provider of translation, localization, and software development services for multinational companies worldwide. Our proven ability for 23 years working within the translation industry allows GlobalDoc to help client’s succeed in the global business environment.